When this is done, do not close the window.And select the option "Xbox 360 Controller Emulation",.After that, click on the tab "Quick start",.A window should open, click on the button "Install",.Then it will take download drivers by clicking on the button "Load Driver",.You should tick the line corresponding to your PS3 controller,.Then plug in your controller PS3 using the cable Micro USB, on your PC.You can first adapt the language according to your preferences,.Open the latter to access the parameters,.Click on the downloaded file to start the installation software,.Start by downloading MotioninJoy DS3 Tool ,.Install MotioninJoy to use a PS3 controller on a PC: But also it will allow you to have a second solution, if one of them does not work on your PC.

So you will have the choice to take the one that suits you. You will mainly find the following methods: MotioninJoyou Scp-server. However, there are several solutions but the advantage is that each one is free. It is necessary to download the app dedicated to emulation. To can play with your PS3 DualShock controller ou sixaxis on your Windows 10 PC. Make a PS3 controller compatible with Windows: